Archive | January, 2018
30 Jan

On Sunday night we went to the mall to shop for CNY clothes. Managed to get 2 dresses but not in red colour. Gotta check out other malls.

It was another cheat day for Kayden cos we bought him ice cream.

He has a sweet tooth like me 😜

Couldn’t hear the alarm ring again…sweat! Supposed to wake up at 3:15am but only woke up when the surau started prayers at 6am huhu.

Kayzer can sleep for 4-6hours on some nights 🙌

27 Jan

Missed my early morning pump session again and I noticed slight dip in my milk supply! Arghhh gotta stop snoozing my alarm

Freezer is packed so I took out some to be used for milk bath.

Tested it on Kayden thinking he wouldn’t noticed lol.

Of course my smart boy noticed because he questioned me.

Here’s our conversation at bath time few days ago in Cantonese

👦🏻: Mama, why is the bathing water so white?

👩🏻: it’s okay, this is good for yr skin.

👦🏻: Next time don’t want white colour.

👦🏻: Mama, why the water so smelly?

👩🏻: 😅 it is not smelly la.

👦🏻: *looks suspicious at me*

In the end I added shampoo 😅

My cutie pie has started drooling

25 Jan

Mad rush to work this morning as I woke up at 7:50am! work starts at 8:30am with a meeting at 9am.

Woke up at 4am for my pump session then went back to sleep. Next session supposed to be at 7am 😩

My alarm rang at 6:45am but I snoozed it and then mistakenly off it due to tiredness huhu.

Quickly washed my face and dress for work, no time to tone and moisturise my face. Packed my pump parts etc and left the house!m by 8:07am. Thankfully traffic was ok la.

Phew, just made it before 8:30am

Had to hide in the store room now to pump before the meeting to avoid “rock” boobs.

What a start to my morning!

Ohh hello everyone 👋🏼

Kayzer’s oral thrush episode is coming to an end thankfully!

Some updates from the weekends and the past few days..

OOTD for church last Saturday, looking good in white

He was well behaved 👍🏼 it’s his second time to church.

The korkor received a gift!

Another new car added to his collection, from his 舅舅

Part of the dinner we had at Rakuzen Tropicana City Mall last Sunday. A belated birthday celebration for my mommy.

Left Kayzer with my in laws and brought Kayden with us.

My firstborn and I 😘

Just the three of us

On Monday since my dad and mom were free I asked them to help babysit Kayden so MIL gets a break from the toddler 😄 really thankful they agreed.

In this photo Kayzer was all smiles for his Grandpa Chin

On his way to grandparents’ house

There he spent more than half the day with them

They even brought him to the park for some evening fun

Good to have him run in the park to drain his energy hahaha

The toddler looking happy

All sweaty

With 小姨 who is back for her semester break

Some pictures of him playing that I received from my family


Sorry posting not in sequence, group picture taken at my mom’s belated birthday dinner. Dayre square can’t fit everyone oppss

My cousins joined dinner too

PIL celebrated their 38th years of marriage yesterday, we had a simple dinner (3 adults, 1 toddler and 1 baby)

Oral Thrush

17 Jan

Brought our boy to see the Paeds yesterday because his tongue looks like this.

While waiting for his turn

Gor gor ran around the specialist area, too excited

Doctor prescribed this meds to be administered 4 times daily for a week.

Hoping it goes away completely by then.

My chilled milk accumulating in the fridge because his milk intake dropped. Have to transfer some to the freezer if this continues.

On top of the oral thrush problem, I forgot to change his bottle teats. maybe the milk flow is too slow resulting in him drinking less as well.

Googled and notice he should be using 2 holes nstead of 1 hole by now opppsss 😅

Went to get new bottle teats to help with his feeding… sorry Kayzer mommy so blur

15 Jan

Kayden’s OOTD to church yesterday

Cheeky when I told him I wanna take his pictures

My handsome boy 😍

Breakfast at Pelita before service

Napped on the way to church

Left the boy in nursery and we went to the main hall.

The next time I will bring him to join children’s church instead, more happening over there.

Important day for the church as Ps Kevin announced the name change to COLLECTIVE

With his friend Heather, my son was too busy eating snacks 😄

Lunch was at Zhia Kitchen after service

My little man 💕

He has been drinking less milk the past few days, suspecting it’s because of the oral thrush on his tongue. Planning a visit to the Paeds tomorrow.

It’s a state replacement Public Holiday today so earliest is tomorrow.

13 Jan

My boy is always on the move when he is awake. To make him sit down quietly while I do my things I would give him a snack or switch on YouTube.

This is him eating his snack on the staircase.

Nestle puffs and some dried raisins

He is happy 😄 so win win!

Kayzer trying his best to flip! Almost there

Wife cakes from HK 😋 thanks to my mommy.

I prefer this brand more than Wing Wah. Wing Wah’s wife cake has very strong lard smell le.

New clothes for Kayzer from 外婆

Cooling weather makes us sleepy

So sleepy I missed a pump session this morning, woke up because my boobs felt uncomfortable…quickly pump and I got more than 10oz 😃

Wore long sleeved shirt for breakfast because it was cold

Went for late lunch with 舅舅

Popo put on long sleeve shirt and long pants for this boy too

10 Jan

Today I decided to pump a little bit earlier so I could enjoy lunch like a “normal” person 😄

Went for lunch with my dad ✌🏼thankful for him.

Then went to get egg tarts and siew pao for tea break later.

Pumping milk makes me hungry!

Typing this in the store room as it’s time for another pumping session.

I shared with Ant that I will probably pump till our boy is 6mo and will decide then if I wanna continue.

My milk supply has definitely increased compared to my first.

On average I get 34-36oz a day, not bad for my own standard la.

Taking alfalfa and esp shake so i think it really helps.

9 Jan

My right ear is blocked again huhu. Last visit to the ENT was in October 2017, I didn’t expect it to happen so soon la.

Usually doctor would do a middle ear suction to clear my sticky ear wax and dead skin cells. Thankfully it’s the new year so I get to utilise the medical benefit.

I can hear again after the ear toileting procedure

This is me everyday because I don’t have enough sleep 💤

I think my body is getting used to it so very soon I’d be alright.

Only problem is that the tiredness shows on my eyes and eye bags 😭

Got to make time to put on facial mask ady, don’t wanna become 黄脸婆

Atomy Vit C sachets given by my mom, good to boost immune system

This chubby likes to be carried and entertained when he is awake

7 Jan

Kayzer’s hair is falling so he is balding 😂 same like his gor gor when he was a baby. He looks better with more hair le

Gor gor too shy for the camera 📷 😄

Cheeky fellow

Pattern banyak

The cool look

6 Jan

Yesterday we went to visit SIL in Klang, thankfully I had balance leave from 2017. My little chubby slept all the way there ✌🏼

The cousin brothers ❤️

After visiting baby and Christy we went to Damen to meet Clarissa, late lunch was at Nam Heong

Yummy foods 😋

This little boss continued to sleep while we ate

Thank you Kayzer for being an easy baby 😘

Not forgetting to pump when we are out

Hubby taking care of the boys 😄

Delicious fruit cake by @clawong ‘s mom 👍🏼

KOed otw home and successfully transferred to bed

Kayden with sum sum one of his fav person to be with 💕