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Kayzer’s 3mo check up

8 Feb

Last Sunday evening Ant brought us to mytown so that PiL could do some shopping for cny clothes. Kayzer was so well behaved the entire time. Slept all the way there and didn’t fuss in the mall.

Picture of him busy playing with his fingers 😄

Ko kor on the other hand was running here and there, had to keep telling him to stop running 🏃

Mechanic was busy checking the car on Monday afternoon

Ant brought him out his first kite experience because it was windy, that cheeky look when you ask him to smile

My little boy turned 100days old 2 days ago 😊 how time flies

He looks like my second sister when she was a baby

Half way there before he can fully flip to the side

Lots of saliva

My dad helped babysit Kayden yesterday because MIL and I had to bring Kayzer for his 3month old checkup and immunisation

Pictures of him from my dad, he had lunch, played, watched tv, showered and napped

Went to the park after he woke up

Had so much fun

Made friend with a Jie jie

Riding a “horse”

And had food in the park before heading home

He went out from 10am and came home at 8pm 😄👍🏼

Grateful for the extra helping hand, both MIL and I enjoyed the peace and quiet

Kayzer weighs 5.89kg and is 61cm long at 3mo. My champion didn’t cry when he got the jab

SIL brought her boy to see a dr yesterday and he is already 5.6kg 🤣 so very soon Tze Hymn will overtake Kayzer haha